Bulletin of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Sociology

Організовано нову сторінку журналу http://visnyk.soc.univ.kiev.ua/index.php/soc

The results of theoretical and empirical studies, methodological developments in sociology. For scientists, professors, graduate students, government workers and social control.


2010   №1-2
2012   №3
2013   №4
2014   №5
2015   №6

Scientific Journal

ISSN: 1728–3817
Founded in 2010 (in 1995-2009 had a title “Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: Sociology. Psychology. Pedagogy”
Editor-in-Chief: Olga Kutsenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Deputy Editor: Andrii Gorbachyk (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Editorial Board: Svitlana Babenko (Kyiv), Volodimir Volovich (Kyiv), Claire Wallace. (University of Aberdeen, UK), Nikolai Genov (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica, Slovenia), Eugenii Golovakha (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Sociology), Pavlo Kutuev (National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”), David Lane (University of Cambridge, UK), Lyudmila Males (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), Andrzej Rychard (Polish Academy of Sciences, The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology), Volodimir Sudakov (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), Pal Tamash (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary), Mykola Tulenkov (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), Christian Haerpfer (University of Aberdeen, UK), Valentina Chepak (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv),Yurii Yakovenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Associate Editor: Yuriy Savelyev (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Address of Editorial Office: Faculty of Sociology, Hlushkova Prospect 4d, r.501; 504. Kyiv, 03680 Ukraine;
Tel. (+38) 0445216340
Scientific branch: Sociological Sciences
Certificated by: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and included in the List of scientific publications in Ukraine on Sociological Sciences, the № 893 from 04.07.2013
Registered by: Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Certificate about the public registration КВ № 16688-5260 Р from 07.05.2010
Founder and Publisher: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Publishing and Polygraphic Centre "Kyiv University".
The Certificate is included in the Public Register of Ukraine ДК№ 1103 from 31.10.02
Address of the Publisher: Taras Shevchenko av., 14, r. 43, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine
Tel.: (+38) 044 2393172; (+38) 044 2393222; Faxс (+38) 044 2393128
Publications in: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Periodicity of edition: Two issues per year

Requirements for articles submitted for publication in the Journal of
"Herald of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Series: Sociology"

Editorial Board is looking for scientists, educators, and students and takes into consideration the scientific material relevant thematic issues.

Information for potential authors, reviewers and readers

“Bulletin of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv: Sociology” is a peer-reviewed scientific periodical journal that publishes results of original research submitted by sociologists from different countries in all areas of sociology: social theory, history of sociology, methodology and methods, studies of social structure, social relations, institutions and current social phenomena, special sociological theories and branches of sociology. The scope of the journal embraces but is not limited to contemporary social processes and topical problems of Central and Eastern Europe and countries of Eurasia.
The journal also publishes professional reviews of recent and significant sociological titles that are issued especially in Ukraine and the region: books, dissertations, monographs, textbooks etc.
The journal is soliciting original research articles and reviews on relevant topics in Ukrainian, Russian or English. Submitted articles and reviews are selected by international Editorial Board and published in the original language of submission. In addition research articles are evaluated by anonymous expert reviewers assigned by the editors.

Requirements for submission to the journal:
1. Manuscripts of articles must meet the international professional standards of sociological research including existing guidelines for scientific publications in Ukraine (See: http://vak.org.ua/docs//prof_journals/requirements.pdf). Author(s) should clearly formulate problem and the ultimate goal of research and define author’s original and relevant contribution into solution of the problem in current sociological discourse. Editorial Board warns authors that they are obliged to relate their original research to the up-to-date sociological knowledge on the problem and place their contribution within existing international sociological scholarship.
2. Authors are fully responsible for accuracy of the facts and data presented in the article, credibility of analysis and validity of the research findings. The author(s) are required to obtain permission to publish any copyright materials that are used in the article. Submitting an article to the journal the author(s) hereby confirm that during research and preparing materials for publication they adhered to professional ethic requirements including ISA (International Sociological Association) Code of Ethics (http://www.isa-sociology.org/about/isa_code_of_ethics.htm) and that materials they submitted were original had not been published. Responsibility for copyright infringement and failure to comply with existing professional standards are the authors own.
3. The length of articles should be between 20000–40000 characters (3000 – 6000 words). The articles (in Ukrainian, Russian or English) and supporting documents should be sent via e-mail only to the address: journal_soc_knu@ukr.net (document format in MS Word-97 - MS Word-2010, 1.5 spaced, 14 font size without positioning and hyphenations, Times New Roman, with the exception of character fonts in formulas).
4. The article should be supplemented with:
• abstract (in Ukrainian, Russian and English) that outlines the theoretical and methodological bases of research and main findings (length 0.7-1 standard typewritten pages, or 1200-1800 characters),
• the key word in Ukrainian, Russian and English,
• UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code before the title.
Authors from other countries than Ukraine, who submit an article in English, can provide abstract and the key words in English only. Authors from other countries, who submit an article in Russian, should provide abstract and the key words in English and Russian.
5. The article should be supplemented with information about the author(s):
Last name, first name (Cyrillic names besides original have to be transliterated into Roman alphabet), phone number and E-mail of the author(s), information about institutional affiliation (with full address), position, short description of work responsibilities, level of education, academic degree. In case of multiple authorship, the contribution of each author should be specified.
6. Author(s) may use endnotes (not footnotes) that should be consecutively numbered through the text with Arabic numerals that correspond to a list of notes at the end of the main text. After the notes author(s) may declare acknowledgments including funding acknowledgements, institutional support and conflict of interests (if applicable). Editorial Board expects that people or organizations that assisted in any way in research or in preparing the article but not included into the list of the authors would be mentioned in this section.
7. References to the sources should be presented in the text in compliance with SAGE Harvard reference style as in-text citations in a format “first author last name, year” or “first author last name, year: (volume) page number(s)” but enclosed within square brackets (not parentheses) E.g.: [Weber, 1946; Tilly, 2004: p. 216; Тарасенко, 2010: т. 2, с. 170]. Bibliographic information must be provided at the end of the article in the form of a bibliography in alphabetical order (first sources come in Cyrillic, then – in Roman). (Examples of presentation of bibliography are given in Бюлетені Вищої атестаційної комісії України. – 2008. – № 3. – С. 9–13).
Sources in Cyrillic that are translations from languages with Roman alphabet must be supplemented with original spelling of author’s name and the tile in Roman alphabet (presented within square brackets after initial bibliographic description). Other sources in Cyrillic must be transliterated according to ALA-LC (American Library Association - Library of Congress) standards for Romanization (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html). Transliteration of author’s name and the tile should follow within square brackets after original bibliographic description.
8. If an article contains illustrations (tables, graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.), each such material must be submitted with the corresponding legends in electronic form: tables, charts and graphs - in Excel, images - in CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator (imported images in Word are not suitable for further processing).
9. If an article submitted to the journal was accepted for consideration, the author(s) are not permitted to seek for other submissions for publication elsewhere until decision of the editors is announced or when the article is accepted for publication.
10. Articles express the views of their author(s), which may not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board.
11. Articles that do not meet these requirements may not be accepted for publication. Editors are granted the right to edit or shorten the article. Editorial evaluation is not public and may not be discussed. Rejected articles as well as other submitted materials are not returned to the author(s).
12. Submitting an article and other materials to the journal the author(s) hereby give their consent to these requirements as well as their lawful consent to the publication of the article in print in the journal and in the electronic format by publishers, with whom Editorial Board shall make appropriate arrangements.

Additional information can be found at journal’s web site:
Deadlines for submissions for forthcoming issues of the journal –
the 1st of April and the 1st of October.

Please send articles and supporting documents to: journal_soc_knu@ukr.net