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Prof. em. Nicolas Hayoz University of Fribourg, Faculty for Humanities, Department for European and Slavic studies, e-mail: Nicolas Hayoz is professor of political science at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). From 2009 until 2017 he was director of two major research funding programs in the Southern Caucasus and the Western Balkans. His research focusses on political developments in Eastern Europe, mainly in the post-Soviet region, as well as on political sociology, political theory and politics and law.
He has published articles and co-edited several books mainly on various aspects of the transformation process in Eastern Europe, particularly on topics such as democratization, autocracies, authoritarian tendencies, informal structures, citizenship and more generally on political theory. He is co-editor of the book series “Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe”, published by Peter Lang.
Recent publications: The Evolution of Village (Self)Governance in the Context of post-communist Rural Society, in: Politics and Governance 11 (2023), 368–379 (co-authored with E. Zhllima, D. Imami and I. Miftari); Conservative Assertiveness in Central and Eastern Europe: Case Studies from Poland and Hungary, in: Thomas Kavaliauskas (ed.), Europe Thirty Years after 1989. Leiden, 2021, 59–90 (co-authored with Magdalena Solska); Centres and Peripheries in the Post-Soviet Space. Relevance and Meanings of a Classical Distinction. Bern, 2020 (co-edited with Alexander Filippov and Jens Herlth).
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