History of psychology / David Hothrsall. - 2nd ed. Читати далі про History of psychology / David Hothrsall. - 2nd ed.
Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children and Adolescents. Читати далі про Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children and Adolescents.
Language and its disturbances in dreams: the pioneering work of Freud and Kraepelin updated / Frank Heynick. Читати далі про Language and its disturbances in dreams: the pioneering work of Freud and Kraepelin updated / Frank Heynick.
Human exceptionality: society, school, and family / Michael L. Hardman, Clifford J. Drew, M. Winston Egan. - 6th ed. Читати далі про Human exceptionality: society, school, and family / Michael L. Hardman, Clifford J. Drew, M. Winston Egan. - 6th ed.
Educational perfomanse of the poor: lessons from rural northeast Brazil / Ralph W.Harbison, Eric A.Hanushek. Читати далі про Educational perfomanse of the poor: lessons from rural northeast Brazil / Ralph W.Harbison, Eric A.Hanushek.
General systems theory beginning with wholes / Barbara Gail Hanson Читати далі про General systems theory beginning with wholes / Barbara Gail Hanson