Self-efficacy: thought control of action / edited by Ralf Schwarzer.
Sex in America: a definitive survey / Robert T.Michael…(et al.).
Man alone: alienation in modern society./ Edited, with an introduction, by Eric and Mary Josephson.
Children and Adolescents. Behavior and Development. By Boyd R.McCandless.
The New Rules of Measurement. What Every Psychologist and Educator Should Know / edited by Susan Embretson and Scott Herscberger.
Focus Eastern Europe: psuchological and social determinants in the transition countries / Uwe Hentschel Leonid Burlatchuk (Hrsg.).
TIBI News Time (TNT). The International Behaviorology Institute. -Volum 3, Number 2
Annual Editions: Human development. 1999/2000
Annual Editions: Adolescent Psychology. 1998/99