Qualitative Social Research with particular emphasis on (Video-)Interaction Analysis. Dr.F.Oberzaucher & U.Wedelstaedt


Monday, 28th Oct – Friday, 01st Nov 2019

Faculty of Sociology, r.504


Dr. Frank Oberzaucher & Ulrich v. Wedelstaedt M.A.

Cultural Sociology and Qualitative Methods
Department of Sociology and History
University of Constance (Germany)

For whom: for students, PhDs, lecturers and scientists


Course Description

In this one-week workshop we are going to provide an insight into the core concepts and essentials of qualitative research in general, with particular emphasis on videography and interaction analysis, along with an insight into the sociology of social interaction. To do so, the course features classic and contemporary contributions from sociology, social science, and linguistics. During the course we will be discussing the theoretical and methodological endeavours with cases from our own recent empirical research (shift change talks, interactions in hospitals, doctor-patient communication; communication under pressure, especially in sports, medicine, and warfare), and with phenomena of everyday life to discuss the theoretical contents in empirically grounded discussions. We will practice analytical work and interpretation so that participants will be able to get involved with the practical challenge of qualitative methods. By working on small student’s research projects (this includes, for example, observations and recordings of activities in everyday life) we will capture, deepen, and reflect the contents of the course in light of one’s own experiential background. By the end of this workshop the participants will be able to recognize the advantage of analyzing naturally occurring talk and understand the basic principles of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.

For participation go to registration form up to 19th of Oct 2019  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdI9Rwf1r3x21QBmYPQ_kG7cqVTdHecx0OrY-i8mf5y-_mM6A/viewform

Seminar Schedule

On the first day we outline our programme, provide an introduction to qualitative methods in general and get started with epistemological basics of the sociology of social interaction, as well as an introduction into ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.

The second day is devoted to some more specialized research fields in interaction analytical research and we will use transcription software. We also initiate the participants’ own research projects by conducting joint sessions of data analysis.

On the third day, after a discussion of the field of research into everyday life and aspects of quality standards criteria within qualitative research, we continue work on the participants’ projects.

During the fourth day we continue this work, mostly by conducting joint data sessions.

On the final day we give a summary of the essentials of the seminar and participants will be able to give feedback on the course. After that, the participants should deliver brief reports concerning their own research projects to the workshop audience.


Required Readings

All required readings can be found uploaded in our course’s cloud.

Other requirements

Depending on the projects chosen, participants will need a pair of decent headphones for transcribing data and a camera (maybe a mobile phone camera of good quality).


Course Outline

Monday    4:00 pm – 6:30 pm


  • Silverman, David 2001. Interpreting Qualitative Data. Methods for Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction. 2nd ed. London u.a.: Sage, 1-42 (Beginning Research and What is Qualitative Research?).
  • Bergmann, Jӧrg R. (2010). Ethnomethodology. In: A Companion to Qualitative Research. U. Flick, E. von Kardorff, I. Steinke, (Eds). 1st ed., London u.a.: Sage, 72-80.

Thuesday    9:00 am – 4:00 pm


  • Bergmann, Jӧrg (2010). Conversation Analysis. In: A Companion to Qualitative Research. U. Flick, E. von Kardorff, I. Steinke, (Eds). 1st ed., London u.a.: Sage, 296-202.
  • Silverman, David 2001. Interpreting Qualitative Data. Methods for Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction. 2nd ed. London u.a.: Sage, 159-192 (Naturally Occurring Talk).


Wednesday    9:00 am – 4:00 pm


  • Selting M. et al. (2011). A system for transcribing talk-in-interaction : GAT 2. In: Gesprӓchsforschung. 12, pp. 1-51. eISSN 1617-1837; 1-24.

-  minimal and basic transcript

  • Ayaβ, Ruth (2015): Doing data: The status of transcripts in Conversation Analysis. In: Discourse Studies,17/5, 505-528.


Thursday    9:00 am – 4:00 pm


  • Schenkein, J. (1978 a) 'Sketch of an analytic mentality for the study of conversational interaction'. In: Schenkein, ed., Studies in the organization of conversational interaction. New York: Academic Press: 1-6


Friday     9:00 am – noon


Dr. Frank Oberzaucher (post-doc) is research associate and senior lecturer for qualitative methods and interaction analysis at the department of Sociology and History/University of Konstanz. He got his diploma in Sociology at University of Vienna (Austria). He finished his PhD-programme at International Graduate School of Sociology in 2012 at Bielefeld University (Germany). His thesis delt with shift change talks in Hospitals. A shift change is a handover between two working teams. Based on audio and video recordings of hand-overs he analysis the communicative behavior during team interactions and provides a ethnomethological understanding of ethnography.

Ulrich v. Wedelstaedt is research fellow at the University of Constance. He studied sociology at Bielefeld University (Germany). His research focuses on detailed interaction analysis of situations of communication under pressure. Next to detailed analysis of sports he has done research on communicative practices in intensive care medicine and warfare.